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Anežka Hessová



217400_1668460634777_1335162724_31403371_3354237_n-----kopie--2-.jpgShe was born in 1987. In 1991-1995, she lives with her mother in Switzerland, she goes to private Waldorf school, she learns French language and also contemporary dance under the guidance of professor Monique Decosterd. She participated in many theatre activities of the Swiss Montreurs D'Images Theatre and together with them, when she was 9 years  old, she goes to India.


In 1998, she took up Indian kathak dance as a disciple of guru Mata Prasad Mishra, and continued her dance studies in Prague. In 2001 and 2006, she enhanced her kathak dance skills during residencies in India (Bangalore, Benares and Kolkata with professors Nirupama Rajendra, Mata Prasad Mishra and Sandip Mallick). She participated as dancer in all the performances of Damaru. She performed in the shows: "Indian Inspiration", "For Phoolan…" and "Gypsy Suite".


In 2008, she received a one-year scholarship from the ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) to study kathak dance at the "Dhwani" dance institute in New Delhi as a disciple of prof. Vaswati Misra.


She speaks actively French and English. She also devotes herself to theater and film.

Other activities of Anežka.

photo from the archive A.H.